About Us

Welcome to our family blog. My name is Megan and I have a wonderful husband, Jonathan, and two littles. This blog originally started to record our adoption journey with our first child. It has continued on through the adoption of our second child, and I don't know what exactly is it to come in the future :) For now though it's a place to share with and hopefully encourage others.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Number 2....?

     It's hard to know when is "the right" time to take the leap, but we feel ready to start working towards bringing home our next little bundle of joy. If it happened quickly we feel like we could handle it, at this point (no more bottles and full nights of sleep!). If it takes awhile, for once I actually feel like there is time for that too. But more than ever I feel like it will all happen All In God Time. I could not have picked a better child for our family than the one the Lord blessed us with. So I'm completely letting go and saying Lord, please do it again (when doesn't matter so much).
    We just started the paperwork last week, but let me tell ya, the paperwork is so much easier the second time around (plus it helps when you haven't changed jobs or moved). Now that being said we haven't done the super time consuming areas like our autobiographies, photo albums, or home study. I feel much more comfortable this time around. All the great folks that helped us through our first adoption now feel like old friends. I have kept communication open with most of them since our first adoption, so it's not changed that much except I'm emailing them more frequently :) 
     This time around I think we will focus most of our fundraising on having yard sales. That helped us a lot last time and it does not put anyone under pressure to help. However, we are still so thankful for those of you who did help last time! I have thought before if so many people hadn't of helped us raise the money so fast, we might not have been to the point of matching when G was born! That kinda gives me palpitations. But anyways, back to the topic, if anyone does any spring cleaning or moving and is planning on hauling a load off to goodwill we would be glad to come pick it up for our yard sales. We do ask that you only give us stuff that you do not want back (stuff, containers, etc.) When you collect that much junk  treasures, it's hard to remember what went back where in those situations. Plus, we will probably do this ongoing through the summer. Our first one will be this weekend!
    Well I just wanted to send out the great news :) It's not major news, but it's pretty exciting to us.


  1. I think its pretty major news. We are excited for your growing family.
