About Us

Welcome to our family blog. My name is Megan and I have a wonderful husband, Jonathan, and two littles. This blog originally started to record our adoption journey with our first child. It has continued on through the adoption of our second child, and I don't know what exactly is it to come in the future :) For now though it's a place to share with and hopefully encourage others.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Due for an update

   I am a really great yearly blogger don't ya think? :) I just got to thinking I should probably update everyone, and when I signed in my last post was March of 2016! Guess I probably shouldn't make a career out of this!
   This update isn't because there is a lot to tell but because lots of people have been wanting to know if anything is going on with our adoption. Unfortunately, the answer is no. At least nothing is going on that we know about. We know our agency has been working with several birth mothers since we were first approved in July 2015, but we either haven't matched criteria with them or they chose other couples. Which is why there hasn't been many posts in the last year. I guess the good part is it passes a lot faster when you have a toddler around. So like I said, there's not much to share but I just wanted to let everyone know we are still waiting and still want your prayers. So please remember us as our journey still continues.

On a side note: I did sort of get a kick out of the fact that in the last post we were starting potty training and guess what?..... we still are, lol. We have made a lot of progress though.

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